Friday, July 19, 2024

MAC Swim meet June 15, 2024

 Max was in a unofficial swim meet long course with MAC. He did a fabulous job.

 Max's time on 50 free was 32:01

Max's time on 100 free was 108:76 

Max's time on 100 long course BUTTERFLY 1:12.12

Max does not swim to try to beat someone he swims to beat his own personal record. 

Swimming has been a big part of Max's life. He loves it and I mean loves it. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Max old goggles

 Max has been going through a lot of goggles with all the swimming he has been doing. 

Here are two that he finally retired.

Monday, March 18, 2024


It's hard to believe Max is twenty Four. He has taught me how to have patience, love others and not be afraid to be who I want to be.
Max has his driver license, but still needs help with navigation. Soon, he will learn the roads. 
 He has finished the Pathway Connect and is going to attend BYUI online. His goal is to get his degree in accounting and work at his 
dad's CPA firm.  

Twenty four awesome things about Max.

1.   He loves to swim and be coached.

2.   He loves to garden, and he good at it.

3.   He loves to play the piano.

4.   He loves to help others. 

5.   He loves his siblings. 

6.   He loves working with his chickens. 

7.   He loves working on excel.

8.   He loves learning. 

9.   He loves working out. 

10. He is kind.

11. He his compassionate.

12. He is determined.

13. He is a good dog owner.

14. He is good at chess. 

15. He loves math.

16.  He is an Eagle scout.

17. A Special Olympics USA swim athlete. 

18. He is truthful.

19. He is helpful.

20. He is willing to try hard things.

21. He is respectful.

22. He doesn't gossip. 

23. He loves everyone. 

24. He is magnificent at making others feel valued. 


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Max Swam in Special Olympics State Competition

 This year Max swim the 100 IM and the 100 Butterfly. 

He enjoyed swimming and he still has a goal to

 get his 100 butterfly in under a minute. 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Lots of New Experiences

 Life for Max is taking on a whole new world.

1. He finished his 2 year service mission

2. He got a drivers permit and passed the test with a 100%.

3. He is enrolled in driving school

4. He is enrolled in Pathway 

5. He is attending the Single Adult ward for our church.

6. He is enrolled in 2 different LDS institute classes.

And he finished his regional swimming competition. 

He has a goal to improve his PR in the 100 butterfly. 

Monday, July 3, 2023

Max's MAC Time trials 07-01-2023

Max swam in the MAC time trials with only having five hours of sleep and having jet lag. 
  His butterfly was amazing. 
I'm proud of him for doing his best. 

He swam the 50 long course in 31.4


He swam the 100 freestyle in 1:08.81

He swam the 100 Butterfly in 1:13.06