Thursday, October 5, 2017

YoU aRe BeuTiFuL

Several times in a day Max will tell me I'm beautiful.
He tells me in the morning while eating breakfast,
he tells me when I pick him up from school.
He tells me when I'm ironing his shirt and
he tells me while we are sitting in church.
One day I counted how many times he told me I was beautiful.
I lost count after 27 times. 

The picture below is with his Grandma Reynolds.
 Max is her youngest grandchild .

Max's grandma is a British lady who grew up and married in England
and is the oldest child of 12. 
Max looks at her with compassion and love.
He also tells her she is beautiful. 

A month ago we were over visiting his Grandma
and she was watching a show that he did not like.
It was a scary show to him and he asked her to turn it off. She wasn't happy about it,
but she did.
On our way home from her house he said,
"Mom that show Grandma was watching did not bring a good spirit."

Max believes that any show that is scary is not one that brings a good spirit.
She wasn't watching a bad show just not one he approved of. 

When Max was little I never thought he would be able to say, I love you or you're beautiful. 
For those who have special needs children who deal with Autism you can relate to the pain of wondering if your child will ever be able to express their thoughts and opinions.
And Max was able to express his opinion on the show Grandma was watching. 

Max still copes with explaining homework assignments, a activity he went to
or what happened that made him upset or happy. 
I have to second guess his experiences of what happened when he is away from home.
And email his teachers for homework. 

I try not to compare him to others his age. It would be wrong of me as a mother.
How many 17 year young men tell their mother they are beautiful 27 times a day?

I have been blessed with five amazing children.
Each one of them has given me more
than money could ever buy. 

I thank my Heavenly Father for letting me be the mother to five wonderful children. 

I have been blessed. 

Oh, Max said yesterday. "Lets skip Halloween and have Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
Max does not like Halloween and hasn't since he was young. He doesn't like candy and he does not like it when I put up Halloween decorations. I have decided to get rid of the Halloween decorations and put up fall decorations instead. 

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