Max's amazing special needs teacher put a video together for Max.
(She is at the end of the video on the right side of the video.)
(She is at the end of the video on the right side of the video.)
I cried while I watched it.
Max's teacher always goes the extra mile to help
Max and other students succeed.
Max's teacher always goes the extra mile to help
Max and other students succeed.
The twin boys that interview Max in the video also have autism.
They have become good friends with Max.
It warms my heart to see Max recognized by others.
Even though he has never been student body president or homecoming King.
He is still a valuable human being who has great potential.
He is still a valuable human being who has great potential.
My goal is to always help him to see the good he has to offer and can achieve.
Autism makes the road feel like a washboard,
but it can bring a different perspective to the ride.
I loved the video too