Max in his Scout uniform before Eagle Court of Honor
The table set up in the room where we had the Eagle Court of Honor.
Tim Carroll telling about how to be an Eagle Scout.
Max's oldest Brother in the Eagle nest just to the left with a blue shirt on.
Max's oldest brother Michael read the poem below.
The Eagle
Written by Tom Lalor for Jonathan Lint
Twas the Eagle they chose, as a symbol of strength for a
new and mighty land.
That was forged in Truth, and Liberty; delivered
By God’s own hand.
That Eagle stands for Integrity and Pride
Throughout our age.
To remind us of the wars we’ve fought for
Freedom and the price we’ve paid.
And so it was when Lord Powell called on his troop
Of boys to be men,
That this symbol so strong, so pure and so proud
Was called to serve again.
Not every Scout can wear this badge, in fact they
Are but few
Who rise above their peers today to remind us of
What is true.
That Loyalty and being good will always be our aim,
That Courage and Faith are the best of us, that
The Eagle knows no shame.
These honored few who wear this badge walk
Among us to this day.
To exemplify the very best that we strive for,
So now we pray;
That God will bless and keep these Scouts always
In His sight.
For it is they, not us who know it best, the Eagle
Stands for Right.
new and mighty land.
That was forged in Truth, and Liberty; delivered
By God’s own hand.
That Eagle stands for Integrity and Pride
Throughout our age.
To remind us of the wars we’ve fought for
Freedom and the price we’ve paid.
And so it was when Lord Powell called on his troop
Of boys to be men,
That this symbol so strong, so pure and so proud
Was called to serve again.
Not every Scout can wear this badge, in fact they
Are but few
Who rise above their peers today to remind us of
What is true.
That Loyalty and being good will always be our aim,
That Courage and Faith are the best of us, that
The Eagle knows no shame.
These honored few who wear this badge walk
Among us to this day.
To exemplify the very best that we strive for,
So now we pray;
That God will bless and keep these Scouts always
In His sight.
For it is they, not us who know it best, the Eagle
Stands for Right.
Max taking the Eagle oath and repeating what his brother Malachi said.
Here is the oath and Charge
I Maxwell Reynolds
reaffirm my allegiance
to the three promises of the Scout Oath.
I will do my best to do my duty to God
And my country and to obey the Scout Law.
I will help other people at all times
And keep myself physically strong,
Mentally awake, and morally straight.
I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself
The obligations and responsibilities
Of the rank of Eagle Scout.
I will at all times do my best
To assist other Scouts climbing the Eagle Trail,
Especially those of my own Troop, Team an Post.
I will help build America on the solid foundation
Of clean living, honest work and reverence to God.
I promise to make my training and example,
My rank and my influence
Count strongly for better Scouting
And for better citizenship in my family,
Church, community and country
And with my contacts with all people.
I realize that the Eagle rank
Is not the end but the beginning
To this I pledge my sacred honor!
Max putting my mother's pin on. I now have three Eagle Scout sons.
Max putting the Father's pin on his father.
Here is pinning it to his dad.
Max receiving his Eagle pin which fell apart.
Putting the broken Eagle pin on Max.
Putting Max's Eagle scarf on.
Putting the Eagle scarf holder on.
Max wanted to give five mentor pins.
Because these men helped him
along his journey to getting his Eagle.
Mark Kitterman was one of Max's
first leaders an he was a remarkable help to Max when he first started scouting.
John Johnson was a help to believe he can achieve want he wants.
John Johnson supported Max in all of his life activities. From attending several of Max's baseball teams to attending his swim meets and taking pictures for Max to treasure.
Jim Turley helped Max see the value of work and making every minute count.
Tim Carroll influenced Max in ways that gave him the strength overcome obstacles. Tim Carrol and John Johnson hiked Mount Whitney with Max.
Here is a link to the place they stayed for a week.
Ted Morgan has been the most amazing influence in Max's life. Ted did not have any son's of his own only beautiful daughters, but Heavenly Father gave young men like Max to be an amazing role model too. Most of all of Max's swimming pictures were taken by Ted Morgan.
He attended Max's swim meets and went the extra mile to help Max succeed.
Paul Gibson spoke with Max about how he had never seen any scout say such kind things to the people that mentored them.
The Mormon Battalion came and honored
Max with a Scarf holder.
He also shared a story about the Mormon Battalion.
Max went to the Mormon Battalion twice and one time he found a snake. Here is the video of that experience.
Max was so happy.
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