Tuesday, August 21, 2018

One of Max's Pet Peeves

Last week I accidentally let Max's scrambled eggs touch his toasted raisin bread.
 Since then Max reminds me every morning to not let his toast touch his eggs. 

When Max was younger he would not eat ice cream, yogurt, jello, pudding, 
or any other food that was soft instead he would only eat
 crunching foods like, corn chips and popcorn. 

Kindergarten through 6th grade he ate waffles every morning with strawberry milk. 
Since then he only wants eggs and
 toasted raisin bread with cinnamon honey butter for breakfast. 

Max has always taken his lunch to school,
 because he is not sure he would like what they are offering. 
The last seven years he has been taking the same thing every day.

Max's lunch menu

three slices of homemade banana bread
three homemade oatmeal and raisin cookies
a raisin and nut bar
apple sauce
a bag of raisins
a bag of fresh carrots
three slices of ham

He also takes bottled water.
Max has never had a desire to eat candy or pop. 

I am trying to get him to taste new foods. 
Last night I made homemade french fries and he ate them. 
It made me smile. 
I wish I could get him to try enchiladas, lasagna, green beans, broccoli,
 and other casserole dishes that I make. 
Ever since Max was little he has never wanted to eat anything that is green. 
Like pickles, green beans, peas, olives, cucumbers, celery, lettuce. 
I hope someday he realizes that green food is yummy. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Max was in the Gilbert High School Newspaper

Here is the link to the newspaper article


-----Department and Student News-----

Max Reynolds goes for Gold!

A HUGE Tiger shout-out to our own Max Reynolds, who did an amazing job
 in swimming at this past summer's Special Olympics in Seattle, WA.
 He won gold for the 100m and 50m freestyle swimming events!
 We are so proud of you, Max!

Please see https://issuu.com/timespub/docs/1_gsn_0715 for an article in the 
Gilbert Sun News about Max as well as his family's blog at http://maxwithautism.blogspot.com/
Please see below for some pictures from Special Olympics 
courtesy of Mrs. Raff!


Thursday, August 9, 2018

What really Matters?

Max has worked hard this week in school and at Evit. He comes home so excited to share what he had learned. Like that fact, bad people hack into other people’s computers. He brings up words I have never  heard him use before. It warms my heart to see him learning about the world we live in.
So many of the young men Max’s age are getting their mission calls to serve for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Max on the other hand is still in high school learning about the good and bad of the world that he should of comprehend years ago.
I’m not one who likes to compare my children to others because it can make or break a mother. But, I do see he is years behind those of his age. Young men that are Max’s age and even younger are working now that they are finished with high school. They are receiving their mission calls to foreign places and they are seeking out opportunities to be independent from their parents. In a way, it breaks my heart that Max is not there yet, but at the same time I know he will get where they are just not right now. I look back on how far Max’s has come. How much he has achieve and I see what a pure, healthy human being he has become. What I mean by healthy is he is not deceitful, mean, dishonest instead he is honest, helpful, kind and he always is truthful. He always is trying to work hard and learn. He is so fun to be around too. He is always positive and keeps a smile on his face from sun up to sun down. The most precious thing about Max is he is loving and friendly. He still tells me several times a day that I am beautiful.
As a mother, I have always wanted what is best for my children and have told myself the greatest advice I can give my children is to value an education. They need to make the right choices that will give them the opportunities to achieve a college degree.  My two oldest have master’s degrees, one an AA degree an another is a couple of classes short of having theirs.
When my other four children were Max’s age they were driving, dating, going to school functions and bringing their friends to our home. Max on the other hand is content with being home alone and watching others play games on YouTube. I keep telling myself he will someday have a desire to have friends over or go out and do activities with them. I will continue to encourage Max  to see the importance of socializing and building relationships with others. I can’t and will not tell others he is about the age of a fourteen years old, because in some ways he is, but in other ways he is not. He is  capable even though his interest  is at the age of a fourteen-year-old.
There is never a dull moment with having a special needs child. They are a blessing, but physically and mentally a lot of work to raise. Max was physically challenging when he was young and now it’s been mentally challenging to help him have more experiences to grow. Mentally hard to see him behind those of  his age, but I remind myself that he is where he needs to be and that is all that matters. 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Max was in the Gilbert Suns Newspaper!

How blessed I have been to be able 
to raise a special needs son.
 Life has had its ups and downs, and honestly its been hard,
 but I can say it's been worth it because it has given me the strength
to overcome my own obstacles. 

Being visually and hearing impaired 
and the struggles with having Congenital Rubella Syndrome. 
Have helped me to know how to help Max. 
Living with disabilities has given me insight of how to understand what he needs.  

I was told I would never be able to have children and I have been blessed with five.
 I love each one of my children. 
They have helped me to grow. 

I want Max to have experiences that typical people have
 and Special Olympics, Gilbert High Swim Team and
 Evo"s (Rio swim team) have given him that opportunity. 
They might not be at the same level as what a typical person might have, 
but for Max the experiences have been amazing.  

I cried when I read this article about Max because 
what was written is so true about him. 
I hope he can continue to have experiences like he did going
 to USA Special Olympics Games 2018

They have in the paper that Max's father name is Frank and that is a misprint. His name is Trent.